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Petland Chicago Ridge



Small breeds are much beloved because of a range of factors including ease of care, the fact that they fit in small apartments, and very essential, they can go just about anywhere with you. If you are wondering what breed to go for yourself, here is Petland’s top 5 small breeds of dogs:  Maltese The Maltese is one of the most common breeds of small dogs and comes with its characteristic soft and silky white coat. This breed is well known for its loyalty and is also very playful and full of energy. They are a very brave breed and …

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The first three months of your pup’s life would very much shape the rest of their personality and how they relate to their environment. Socializing your pup guarantees that you would end up with a confident and well-adjusted dog. Here are some ways to socialize your puppy:  The Outdoors  Introduction to new sights, sounds, and smells begins in the outdoors and then continues in the outdoors. Outdoors is where most of the adjustment happens. A multitude of new sensations would assault your pup’s senses and he may need to adjust gradually. Over time, familiarity would occur.  The Dog Park  Visiting …

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It’s springtime! The weather is warm and the outdoors is beautiful! This is definitely no time to stay indoors and Daisy definitely agrees. Now, before exploring the great outdoors for new scents and beautiful sights, it is important to ensure that your pet is protected. This article covers some tips to help.  Vaccinations! You need to ensure that your pet is up to date on her yearly deworming and vaccinations. You can easily do this by reviewing the vaccine cards. If you’re not sure or they are still missing some, be sure to pay a visit to the vet.  Plenty …

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Many people agree that their family dog growing up definitely impacted their lives in various ways. The benefits that accrue to growing up with puppies is definitely significant. So, what are some of these benefits? Friendship  You could resonate more with ‘companionship’, but friendship does great justice. This is because more often than not, a child’s first friend is their dog. One that offers non-judgemental, full-blown adoration, and the child could do no wrong. Having a pup can teach kids how to treat a friend with respect.  Empathy  Kindness and empathy are traits that can be taught, and are even …

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The only thing better than having a good veterinarian is having a great one. The job of a veterinarian starts right before puppies are born, or in your case, shortly after their gotcha day. So, why is it important to have a great veterinarian? Early Disease Detection  As much as you want your pup’s life to be perfect and disease-free, pups sometimes come down with various ailments. Now, this may be no fault of yours, it could be as simple as an immune system compromise or an infection. A veterinarian can detect any changes in behavior with a professional eye …

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The international canine club recognizes over 360 dog breeds. Of these breeds, several are best suited to various activities or roles. Upon careful review, we have come up with the top 5 breeds that are well suited to ‘family life’.  Labrador Retriever The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds for family and for good reason. They are known to be patient, protective, playful, loving, and reliable. Labs are also highly intelligent and can be trained easily. They are a high-energy breed, love to run around, and boast great strength and stamina.  Goldendoodle Goldendoodles are a cross between …

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Every four to six is the ideal time after which a visit to the vet or a professional groomer is necessary. However, during this period, maintaining your dog’s grooming is a key part of providing care.  If you struggle with consistency or you don’t want to forget, you can always create a schedule to keep on track.  Once your schedule is up, here are three common grooming activities that you can carry out:  Baths  Lucky if your pet loves water. If they don’t, they would still need to take baths anyway. Baths can be pretty relaxing and they keep your …

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Spring brings the flowers to bloom and the greenery back to life, and it’s no doubt one of your pup’s favorite seasons. Lots of time to be spent in the great outdoors and what’s more, the weather is getting warm too.  For a bit of fun this spring, one trend you can consider is playing dress up! Picture dressing your fur baby in a nice, smart plaid shirt and maybe wearing one to match too! You could have loads of fun like organizing photo shoots, maybe a party or two too!  Many people love to play dress up with their …

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Are dog allergies a thing? Yes. Dogs do have allergies too. Generally, dog allergies are divided up into three categories: Skin allergies Food allergies   Acute allergic reaction  Skin Allergies Skin allergies or allergic dermatitis rank as the most prevalent allergic reaction in dogs. They are caused by one of the following three: Food allergies  Flea allergy dermatitis  Environmental allergens  These allergies may present as itchy skin, resulting in skin becoming red, inflamed, and scabbed. Flea allergy dermatitis is caused by fleas while environmental allergens like pollen, mold and dust may cause atopic dermatitis or atopic allergic reactions.   Food Allergies  Actual …

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Research has shown that students interacting with pets in the educational setting has social, behavioral and academic benefits. Classroom pets can reduce school-related stress, boost reading competency and enhance academic performance overall.  For young children, taking care of pets from a young age helps instill social and emotional skills. This process also enables children to develop a sense of responsibility and feel sensitive to others outside of themselves, boosting their confidence levels too.  This is exactly why Petland stores are part of the initiative to help teachers receive a pet for their classroom.  How To Apply The process of applying …

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